Disposal of Solid Waste / Household Trash
Residents are responsible for properly disposing of their household waste through private companies offering curbside service or taking their refuse to nearby landfills.
A quick reference PDF for trash service and landfills in Guadalupe County is available for your review. This is a non-exhaustive list and is not an endorsement by Guadalupe County. List of area trash service companies:
trash and junk removal services
Guadalupe County Citizen Landfill Pricing
Any disposal and/or recycling business wishing to add their information to this list is requested to email or call the Public Information Officer:
carmen.davila@co.guadalupe.tx.us or (830) 303-4188, Ext. 3304
Recycling Collection
Paper: Local schools and churches offer green and yellow recycling bins that accept newspapers, paper books, junk mail, and magazines.
Plastic Bags: Return plastic bags to grocery stores or call and offer them to area food banks and nonprofit locations for reuse.
Outdoor Burning
Outdoor burning laws and weather resources can be found on the Guadalupe County Fire Marshal webpage.
Report Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping costs taxpayers a significant amount of money each year, creates an unsafe environment for humans, wildlife, and rivers, and threatens our groundwater. Illegal dumping is a serious criminal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison and up to a $10,000.00 fine.
If you see or suspect illegal dumping, report it! Submit a form to report illegal dumping.
Sources for Other Municipality Recycling Programs and Guides:
City of Seguin Guide to Greener Seguin
Texas Program - Recycling Star