County Commissioner Precinct 1
101 East Court Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Tel: (830) 303-8857, Press 1
Fax: (830) 303-4064
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Commissioner Precinct 1

County government's operations are often tailored to meet the needs and resources of the community. The job of the county commissioner calls for hands-on service delivery, as well as policy-making decisions about a variety of important matters.

Four commissioners serve along with the county judge on the commissioner's court. Commissioners court is responsible for building and maintaining the roads and bridges of the county, adopting the county budget and tax rate, establish precinct boundaries for commissioners and justices of the peace, determine the number and type of county employees and their compensation, acquire property for rights of way or other public uses, adopt and enforce subdivision regulations, provides rural ambulance services and subsidizes rural fire protection, and supervises and controls the county courthouse and other county buildings and facilities.
Greg Seidenberger Commissioner, Pct 1
The Honorable
Jacqueline "Jackie" Ott, Presiding
Precinct Map
  • Name
    Jacqueline Ott
    Commissioner Precinct 1
    (830) 303-8857 Ext 1
    Trish Tumlinson
    Commissioners Administrative Assistant
    (830) 303-8857, Ext. 1273
    Page 1 of 1

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