Building Projects

Schertz Annex Building on Elbel Road


Precinct 4, Commissioner Michael Carpenter, (830) 303-8857

Due to the renovation of Schertz Annex Building, services have been temporarily relocated to the Guadalupe County Service Center at 1052 FM 78, Schertz, TX. (1 mile away)

We will continue to keep residents aware of the upcoming renovation progress.

Primary Objectives with the Interior Redesign of Schertz Satellite Office

1. Voter Accommodation: The previous design allowed only a limited number of voters to wait in line sheltered from the elements. The new design will accommodate up to approximately 190 people indoors, with access to restroom facilities near the front and the end of the line.

2. Customer and Employee Safety: ADA compliance, glass storefronts, more open areas for security (constables) visibility, and secured areas in case of unexpected events.

3. Ease of Access to all Departments: Through one entrance consolidation to a single, main entrance with access to all departmental services – no longer a need to exit the building to access certain departments.

Why is this not ready yet? 

- Supply chain constraints
- Certain electrical components
- Some HVAC components

Unknown conditions

- Old waterlines with asbestos covers which required extensive remediation
- Magnitude of need to clear, clean and level interior concrete
- Old holding cells had to be demolished by hand

Tejas Premier Building Contractor, Inc.


Contact: Public Information Officer at (830) 557-8727

Visit our website to learn more about the Schertz Satellite Office on 1101 Elbel Road where will continue to keep residents informed of the upcoming renovation progress.

Elections Office

3251 N. State Hwy 123, Seguin, TX 78155

Precinct 2, Commissioner Drew Engelke (830) 303-8857, Ext.1362

Level 5 Architecture

Southwest Engineers

The new Elections Office project has begun. The fencing perimeter was installed in mid-October, and demolition has begun. This renovation project includes plans for a large voting space, storage, and offices. Secured employee parking behind a gated area and a warehouse building will ensure the voting equipment.

The building is at 3251 N. State Hwy 123 (old USDA building) in Precinct 2, just north of IH 10 in Seguin.

Marion Building

558 S. Center Street, Marion, TX 78124

Precinct 4, Commissioner Stephen Germann (830) 303-8857, Ext.1329
Debra Dockery Architecture 

This building will be a full renovation project. When complete, it will be the new Constable Precinct 4 Office. 

Estimate renovation work to be completed in August 2024.